

We're undergoing a giant revamp! While things may be quiet and will take months of work, the site will be continuing under a sandbox until staff can roll out all the new changes. Join our Discord to catch some sneak peaks! (March 16, 2020)

Plot Highlights

The Angel Leaders are all meeting to discuss the war. Read about the outcome Here!
Zombies? Undead?! No! What are these things?! They look.... Alive?! HERE.
A third oracle has died! Aerithe, oracle of Zarkos, died publically in Prerio City square of what many believe to be suffocation. Read more about it HERE.
Oh no the queen! Head over to the Enkratis packlands to find out what happened HERE.
Disaster has struck at the Shrine of Jackroth! Find out what has happened to both oracle and God HERE.

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Stones And Shadows

CommanderHorvat Offline


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Through the under growth shuffled a hunched figure, covered by a shabby, patchwork cloak. It walked with a pronounced limp and a odd clicking with every odd step. It stopped regularly, crouching and emanating a chattering speech.

A sound. A conversation? Yes, it sounds like one. Two, no three people. Talking about... Plants? Yes, one of them is complaining about wearing them. That is not too odd. Are they dangerous? Possibly. Two are demons.

The figure began to speaks in chitters, a strange beetle stopping to respond, warning of a terrifying presence.
Terror demon then. Other has pointed ears and size would indicate an elf.
Great potential for observation, dangerous, but worth it.

With what may have been a nod, the figure stood and stode forward.

"May if examine you more closely? I have yet to have the chance to observe one of you." With a chittering, a notebook and charcoal pencil was produced from within the cloak.

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"Awww what's the matter?~ A little shy are we?~" the Demon's eyes peered from one of them to the other, pupils dilating slightly, "I can be as forward as I like about my preferences, whether either of you like it or not~ And if you don't want to see it, then all I can say is try not to look. I mean, unless you want to~" Once again, his voiced purred and teased the others, tail flicking from side to side with amusement. How simple some could be, living along the lines of society and its rules like all others do; drol and boring really. Ah, he could remember now being forced to where clothing as a child, now, no one could tell him to wear a damn thing.

Zagan hadn't even bothered with his name, seeing as he'd more than likely never end up seeing these two again; which he didn't really care either way about that. Another party member seemed to have shown up now, how many people were in the forest today? Seemed like to many if you asked him; another doing 'research' it sounded like. What the hell was so interesting to be researching in the forest anyway?

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Knyte gave a response in a passive tone. "I didn't mean any disrespect, I'm just voicing an opinion. You are up to do as you will of course." He then cleared his throat "Perhaps in a past life of mine I'd take up your offer... but this isn't that life. Now, I must continue what I came here to do. I heard tell of an interesting skeleton that is said to be in this forest. I'm hoping to find use from it." With that the Terror Demon turned, soon disregarding the elf and newcomer entirely. "Oh, fellow Demon. I do hope we meet again, not often you find one of your kin running amuck. And certainly even less often to find one as interesting as you." With that He resumed his search, humming a familiar but unnamable tune as he walked away.

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Roshaun glared at the newcomer. Great. He'd managed to scare off the demon who wasn't a stripper and becoming increasingly rude. He sidled away from the first demon a bit more, wondering if maybe he should make a break for it. The unnamed demon seemed more interested in Knyte than him, and this new person also seemed rather interested in demons, so maybe he could make an escape.

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The figure moved to stop Knyte. "Before you go, would you mind if I made a quick sketch of you. On that topic, would you say you were an average individual for your species?" As it spoke, the pencil began to scratch against the page, rendering a fairly accurate depiction of Knyte. "Are you a healthy specimen? If so, then what is your top speed?" 

Tilting its head, it spoke to Roshaun. "How does their presence affect you? Are you feeling a shortness of breath? Are your senses more focused?"

Then came the important question. "If you die, would you mind me cutting you open to see how your insides work?"

KokoPuffs Offline

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Zagan didn't really have much to say at the moment, eyes focused on the other as he squated himself down; tail waiving about and the tip of it flicking here and there. The newcomer was.. interesting in a way, though the way they spoke was odd to him. Then again, it wasn't has if he spent much of his time around someone who spoke in such, curious ways? Almost in some kind of scientific standard really; wanting to observe and know exactly what made something work. How boring could someone be? He would have stayed silent the entire time, but something about asking another if they could open them up after they died was far too amusing to ignore.

The man flung his head back and started to laugh, loud and clear into the forest air; causing it to echo around them and the flowing trees. "Fucking gods, that's too damn funny~" his laugh slowly calmed down into a chuckle, "do you go around asking everyone if you can cut them open if they die? or is that just for special cases~" Here he thought this day had no way of becoming interesting, but he was wrong for certain.

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