

We're undergoing a giant revamp! While things may be quiet and will take months of work, the site will be continuing under a sandbox until staff can roll out all the new changes. Join our Discord to catch some sneak peaks! (March 16, 2020)

Plot Highlights

The Angel Leaders are all meeting to discuss the war. Read about the outcome Here!
Zombies? Undead?! No! What are these things?! They look.... Alive?! HERE.
A third oracle has died! Aerithe, oracle of Zarkos, died publically in Prerio City square of what many believe to be suffocation. Read more about it HERE.
Oh no the queen! Head over to the Enkratis packlands to find out what happened HERE.
Disaster has struck at the Shrine of Jackroth! Find out what has happened to both oracle and God HERE.

Recent Posts

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The largest continent to this day, Sleibte stands magnificently with its wide array of biomes, ranging from snow-capped mountains to scorching deserts to humid swamplands. It is the homeland of dragons, dwarves, humans, and kitsune, and hold many uncovered secrets in its vast lands.

Pirates of Skyhaven by xavols33333333 on 09-01-2024, 12:31 PM


Xira is the land of all. Most of the continent is claimed by an enormous city split into five different districts. Though no species are native to this continent, any and all species are welcome, and the inhabitants live in relative harmony, flourishing on the rich soil by the delta. Trade is plentiful, and many travelers and traders frequent this land.

This Is Probably Illegal by xavols33333333 on 09-01-2024, 11:21 AM


Katakarthia seems to be the greenest of the lands, filled over halfway with lush, dense forests in which the elves reside. In the northern peninsula, the demons and angels are at a constant state of war, and the western part of the continent is occupied by the wolves of Antarsia. Many different creatures occupy this continent, not just limited to the aforementioned; some have yet to be discovered in this land of beautiful mystery.

A Sudden Storm by HealthrAk on 09-09-2024, 02:57 PM


Prasinos is the land of the lions, who roam this continent freely. Much of the land is covered in plains, though a few trees are scattered throughout the landscape and a forest and lake hold ground near the south. Various rivers cut through the territory as well, providing plenty of water to the land to fuel the growth of lush grasses. Being the central continent, Prasinos is a stopping place for many seafaring travelers, who pause to take a break and restock their supplies.

Prasinos Quests by xavols33333333 on 09-01-2024, 01:05 AM

The Past

Though our time is semi-liquid in the continents above, if you have a plot that you wish to play in -canon that has already occured in the past, this is the place to go. In this section, threads that take place at any time in the past after the semi-liquid time of 1 month can be placed and played here, to remain part of the happenings IC.

Interview with a Vampire by xavols33333333 on 09-01-2024, 03:27 AM