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Skullcrusher - Kila - 08-19-2017

[Image: uzq5lyX.png]
Skullcrusher's character page

Character's Name:




Bellonese (Naga)

Skullcrusher has little to no magical prowess. What little she does have is her ability to speak to and control snakes.

Her physical abilities are off the charts. Built like a brick wall, Skullcrusher is strong enough to lift trees as though they're nothing. She's not shy about using her size to threaten and intimidate others into giving her what she wants. On top of that, her scales and skin are nearly impenetrable, and physical attacks bounce off her. Her weapon of choice is a staff with a sharp, lethal hook at the end. She uses this hook to pull her victims closer to her, so she can either snap their necks or crush them with her coils. Alternatively, she uses the hook to slit throats at a distance.

Skullcrusher is able to spit a corrosive venom from her mouth, and like many snakes she can see in infrared, which lets her see in complete darkness.

Skullcrusher is massive. She stands at 7' tall, and her total length top out at around 30'. Her human half has deep earthy brown skin. She has full lips, and her eyes are almond shaped. Against her black sclera, her vivid green eyes shine brightly in warning. She paints her face with a skull marking, in an ashy white color. At the corners of her lips, she's painted sharp, dangerous fangs. Her hair is left wild and natural, and falls to her shoulders in tight kinks and curls.

She dresses herself in simple leather armor that covers her breasts, but leaves her arms and midriff bare. She wears golden bands around her upper arms, and one around her neck. She have vivid green markings on her stomach, gleaming bright with her warning colors.

Her snake half begins at her hips, and is covered in violet scales that shine with a vivid green iridescence. Her body color in uninterrupted, save for the tip of her tail, which is the same bright green as her warning colors.

To sum her up, Skullcrusher is a force to be reckoned with. Many of her personality traits on their own are not an issue, but combined they make her a deadly individual.

She is cold, cunning, and focused. When she makes up her mind, nothing will sway her from her path. Skullcrusher has what many refer to as "tunnel vision", and what she sets her mind to, she accomplishes. Nothing will sway her opinions or mindset. To her, only she matters. All others are simply expendable pawns in her game. Confident in her own abilities, Skullcrusher is painfully independent, and is very difficult to talk to. While not an unpleasant conversationalist (if you manage to avoid getting killed by her first), she's coarse and to the point, paying no heed to whether or not your feelings get hurt in the process. She's right. Full stop.

Predatory by nature, Skullcrusher is disciplined in her practices. She preys on the weak, and her patience is legendary. She will bide her time, waiting until the best moment to strike. When she strikes, she doesn't miss. Everything she does, she has planned and calculated. Cruel and hostile by nature, Skullcrusher takes no prisoners. All who cross her end up dead, or are sent to flee and warn others. She finds their attempts to combat her amusing. She sees herself at the top, and all others, especially humans, are worms beneath her might.

Little is known about Skullcrusher or where she came from. She simply showed up out of the wilds one day, weapon in hand, and began to slaughter anyone who looked at her funny.

RE: Skullcrusher - Aquarius - 09-02-2017

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