
These tall humanoids are gentle and shy, preferring to live in places far from prying eyes. Folklore has given them a bad rap, and many Antarsian peasants fear the dreaded trolls.


0-1: Infant
1-10: Child
10-30: Teen
30-6,000: Adult
6,000+: Elder

Average Lifespan: Unknown


Trolls are omnivorous, but they diet is primarily made up of vegetation and fish. They gather nuts, berries, acorns, pine nuts--whatever they can forage.

Credit goes to Kila for writing


Trolls average a height between six and eight feet tall. They have large, bulky frames that give them a rather intimidating appearance. Their features vary from troll to troll. Some have large noses, some are bald, some are short and more squat than the rest--each troll is different. Troll skin is very wrinkly and thick, and comes in a variety of earthen shades, even grey and stone-like. They grow hair in all manner of colors and textures, though brown is most common.

Trolls dress is hand woven fabrics made of hemp and grasses. Many wear mossy capes and cloaks, and it’s not uncommon for them to grow mushrooms on their skin or hair. They prefer to dress modestly and remain inconspicuous.


Trolls are excellent healers. While they aren’t particularly good at magic they have immeasurable knowledge of the natural world, which is passed down from generation to generation. They know where to find certain plants for poultices and elixirs, and it’s said that a salve made by a troll is as potent as it gets.

They have immense physical strength, which unfortunately leads to them being misunderstood as monstrous brutes. While they have the strength to crush boulders, most trolls are gentle and would never use their strength for such things.

Trolls have an unusual fear of sunlight. Exposure to the sun will permanently turn them to stone unless someone without troll blood comes along and recites the words “Troll stone, troll stone, turn around and go back home.” Troll stones appear to be ancient boulders, though upon closer look face-like features can be seen.


Trolls are solitary creatures who prefer to live alone, though occasionally they’ll live in small family groups of mothers and their children. The farther away from civilization they are, the happier a troll is. Caves, mountains, and dense forests all make wonderful homes for a troll. They’re very self sufficient, building their own furniture, weaving their own cloth, sewing their own clothes, and other such things. They forage by night, or on rainy days. Forest trolls are more fortunate, as they can safely forage within the shade.

While shy by nature, trolls are good hosts to those who stumble upon them, as is their custom. They get along best with animals, and seem to be able to understand them to some degree. These gentle creatures tend to the wildlife with great care.

Trolls have a bad rap across Antarsia. They’re seen as terrifying beasts who will kidnap unnamed children and eat them. They follow no religion, and therefore they must spurn the gods, who cursed them with their hideous appearance for defying them. There are other legends of troll women kidnapping princes and forcing them into marriage. Other stories tell of trolls who force women to do their housework for them, because trolls cannot make or clean things.

The tales grow more overblown with each retelling, and there are some who firmly believe that troll magic allows them to cast powerful hexes on others. The trolls don’t mind these rumors too much, as it allows them to continue to live in isolation.