
Jackalope seem like they’re ordinary hares… except for the antlers on their heads. These speedy creatures can be found all across the plains of Antarsia.


0-1: Kit
1-2: Juvenile
2-7: Adult

Average Lifespan: 7 years


Jackalope live on a diet of plant matter. These strict vegetarians will eat any vegetation they can get their paws on.

Credit goes to Kila for writing


Appearing much like an average hare, Jackalope come in all manner of earthen tones. Some have paler underbellies, some are solid, some even have dapples of other markings! Their bodies are lean, and their longs legs are capable of great bursts of speed. Their eyes are usually a deep brown or black color.

Both sexes have antlers, though the females antlers are smaller. Their antlers begin to grow in at around six months of age, and continue to grow during their lifetime.

They have no paw pads, and very tough feet with claws made for digging vast warrens.

An arctic subspecies of jackalope has been discovered in the far north! Their coat turns snowy white in winter, and sheds out to brown in the summer months. Their antlers are a glossy black color.


Jackalope are fast, agile creatures. They’re able to outrun most predators, though their speed is mostly done in quick bursts. They’re capable of packing quite a kick, and their claws are nothing to laugh about.

While they prefer to run, a jackalope will attack with its antlers when cornered, and the sharp tines can cause great injury.


Jackalope live in the flat plains all across Antarsia. They live in sprawling warrens underground, dug mostly by females, with cavernous chambers and cozy dens lived with leaves and grasses. They spend their days foraging in the fields, taking turns to keep watch for predators. During the summer months jackalope begin to stockpile for the winter, bringing food into a larger within their warren.

Breeding season happens in early spring, and males enter a rut where they spar with their antlers to win the most females. Kits are born shortly after, and it takes them about a year to reach their full size, though they become sexually mature at about six months of age.

Jackalope are rapid breeders, with litters containing up to twelve kits. During good years their population explodes, providing a feast for the local predators.

While it’s possible to tame and domesticate jackalope they’re stubborn, flighty creatures who require a lot of patience and care. It takes a few generations of domestication for them to relax around people.