
Mystical birds with the unique ability to restore themselves to life. Phoenixes come in three varieties: Sodpaz, who use lightning, Onucitra who use ice, and Sertlom, who use fire. Phoenixes are knowng for being either semi-sentient or having no sentience at all. Unlike most other species, phoenixes usually have a master or owner. These are extremely rare creatures and must be purchased through the site's shop in order to create one.


0 - 5: Hatching
6 - 10: Adolescent
11 - 30: Teen
30+: Adult

Average Lifespan: Immortal


Phoenixes feed on mid-sized mammals and reptiles, up to the size of a small deer. It is entirely dependant on what they can catch, and some will eat fish if they live near rivers or the ocean. Insects are also a possibility, but not one that would actually be given effort. Berries and nuts are edible, and occasionally scavenged during the seasons where they are plentiful.

Credit goes to King Fury for writing, and Achera for editing. Artwork is credited to Achera.


Phoenixes look like mid-sized to large birds, with the largest being the size of a small horse. Sodpaz typically are yellow, though flecks of other color are not impossible. Onucitra can be any shade of blue or white, and Sertlom are red and orange. Any mix between the subspecies will have a mix of the colorations, with the color of the mother being dominant. Hybrid Phoenixes will assume their species as that of the mother’s more-so than that of their father’s due to their coloration resembling their mother.

Phoenixes can resemble any type of bird of prey, though other types such as geese or peacocks are possible. If they are a type of bird that normally can’t fly, they will be able to, regardless.


In battle, Phoenixes tend to rely on talons and beaks. Powerful blows from larger Phoenixes can tear through iron, making them incredibly deadly. Phoenixes can absorb and breath their elements. However, they cannot absorb the element they create; it must originate from another source. They are immune to the effects of their own elements. Phoenixes with two or more elements have one element as their primary element, typically the one of the mother, and the other elements are far weaker.

The most powerful ability of the phoenix is their rebirth. Upon death, the phoenix’s body is consumed by their element, and they are reformed in the remains. Sodpaz are incinerated by a lightning bolt, with the reborn child standing at the epicenter of the blast. Sertlom are consumed by flames, and the child emerges from the ashes. Onucitra are transformed into solid ice, which then shatters to reveal the child. To fully kill a phoenix, one must either prevent the body from being destroyed, or kill the child just after their birth. A reborn phoenix will grow very rapidly, and in a few hours they will be safely able to die again, having returned to whatever age they were at before their death.


Legend has it that Jackroth, God of fire, had been looking down at the creatures that roamed the planet. He watched as the creations would tear themselves down through battle, burn villages, and cause chaos. However, out of all the destruction, they arose out of the ashes every single time. He watched as the creatures he considered simple, had more to them than what met the eye. Curious about this observation, he went to Zarkos, God of air, to discuss it. Zarkos scoffed at Jackroth at the very idea that they were capable of such advanced thought process and to be able to rebuild no matter what happened. Still, he agreed to watch them with Jackroth upon a wager. If Jackroth was right, he would owe him a favor no matter how big. If Zarkos was right, then Jackroth would owe Zarkos a favor.

So, the wager was set and the game commenced. Both gods took over their oracles and began to rampage the earth in the designated section they had discussed previously. Jackroth scorched the earth with walls of fire, burning villages, forests, and those who lived there for miles. Zarkos took to the sky and brought down massive winds like that of a hurricane. His wings flapping in the air created tornados that ripped through the land. Everything the gods had touched, saw destruction.

Soon enough, they left their respective oracles to watch what the creatures would do. Some screamed to the gods, wondering what they deserved for this to happen. Others cried and mourned the loss of their beloved ones. Some even took it as a sign from the gods that their ways were killing them, and thus started quarrels. Zarkos watched in amusement, assuming he had won their game. Jackroth, however, held out for them to change for he had watched them before and knew their process. In time, the gods watched as the creations began to rebuild once more. Life still continued and soon enough, they adapted to what the gods had done.

Zarkos, flabbergasted by the turn of events nearly returned to cause more chaos in a fit of rage. However, he calmed down enough to realize that a bet was a bet. He honored his part of the bargain and owed Jackroth one favor. Jackroth was quick to ask for one, seeing as he knew what he wanted from the beginning. He told the Air God of his desire to create a new species in the image of what they witnessed. The creature could die by its own element, but from the ashes be reborn. The other god was amused with the idea, and granted Jackroth’s wish in helping him achieve this desire.

Thus, the two created a bird that is said to be made from Jackroth’s very own fire. Zarkos gifted the creature with the ability for flight. The bird became known as a phoenix, a creature that can be reborn from its own ash. They created three different kinds based on different types of natural disasters : fire, lightning, and ice. These birds soon were released into the world, and have developed to become the phoenixes we know today.