Despite what others may believe, although elves are long-lived, they are by no means immortal. They live a long time due to their peaceable, normally reclusive ways, avoiding fights and unnecessary battles whenever possible. Their affinity for nature has allowed them to lengthen their lifespan by hundreds of years; it is rumored that once, elves used to be as short-lived as humans.


What follows is a breakdown of the age ranges of the elves, and despite their other differences, all elves still seem to age at the same rate.

0 to 30: child
30 to 75: Adolescent
75 to 800: Adult
800+: Elder

Average Lifespan: 1000 years


Although mostly vegetarian, all species of elf do occasionally eat meat or seafood as dictated by the environment. Visek Elves tend to eat more plant than meat, while Tume elves tend to eat more meat. Pren elves tend to eat meat, but normally it is meat they hunted themselves.

Credit goes to King Fury & Achera for writing. Artwork is credited to Faesu


Visek, Tume, and Pren elves share many of the same characteristics: their eyes are slanted upward, they possess tapered ears, and all have lean, fit physiques. Their movements are agile and graceful, and all three have considerable control over their body in addition to heightened senses, which makes them natural weapons masters. The differences are as follows:

Visek: Visek elves have skin tones ranging from fairest alabaster and ivory to light peach. It is uncommon to see a Visek elves with darker skin. Their hair is typically light in color though may be darker, and they tend to be rather tall. Most Visek elves wear fabrics dyed various colors, but always well-made.

Tume: Tume elves have skin tones ranging from olives and browns to pitch black, with highlights that give their skin the appearance of not being purely one color. They almost always have black or silver hair, though bright colors are not unheard of. They are about the same height as Pren elves, slightly below Visek elves. They typically wear dark colors, using similar fabrics to their Visek elf brethren.

Pren: Pren elves have skin tones ranging from fair to brown. Their hair is normally brown, though may be any color. Though not as tall as Visek elves, they are typically slightly taller than humans. They wear leather and hide often enough, though occasionally making do with more ordinary outfits if their own have been damaged.


Magical Abilities

Visek: Visek elves are powerful mages, typically favoring Arcane and Healing magic. It is not uncommon for a Visek elf to master elemental magic as well.

Tume: Tume elves are strong mages, though on average slightly weaker than they’re Highborn cousins. They have a natural affinity for Dark magic, as well as Necromancy, though they are not restricted from using other types of magic. It is uncommon, though not unheard of for a Tume elf to have light magic. However, it is prophesied that Tume elves with light magic will bring misfortune to those around them. Thus, these elves are often exiled from their communities or killed.

Pren: Pren elves are innately capable of Feral magic, and typically have skill with Elemental magic as well. They are the most in touch with nature and animals.

Like Tume Elves, it is said that either Visek Elves or Pren Elves who possess dark magic will be misfortune to those around them. The sign of dark magic in these elves is believed that they have become corrupted. Some may try rituals to rid them of their corruptions. Others may abandon or kill.

Rare Abilities: Royals have the exclusive ability to shapeshift. Occasionally, a common elf may inherit this power, and their alternate body is thus not determined by their lineage. These forms are not learned and cannot be "given" to an elf; they must inherit the gene, and as these tend to be recessive (except for royals), as they are considered rare in the common population. The frequency of these genes increased slightly in elves of mixed blood from another species, but still remains uncommon. Elves with shifter abilities must have a shapeshifter ability bought (except for royals) or approved by staff.

Royals: For the most part, royal elves are indistinguishable from the rest of their brethren. However, there is one characteristic that sets each member of the central royal line apart, and this is their inherited ability to shift into an animal; the form of the animal is determined by their kinship to either Visek, Tume, or Pren royalty. Pren shift into anything within the canidae family (wolves, dogs, etc), while Visek royals shift into felidae (cat, lion, etc). Tume royals’ shifting abilities are various forms of reptiles in nature, from snakes to enormous alligators.

Physical Abilities

Elven species are considered agile and graceful in comparison to humans as they are unmatched in both speed and senses. They are sure in their movements and well-balanced, making them formidable opponents in close-contact fights and melee battle.

Visek: Visek elves are the least effective at melee combat, possessing more magical power than their brethren to make up for this vulnerability. They are physically weaker than the other two types of elf, and would lose in a contest of straight up strength.

Tume: Tume elves are the fastest of the three elven species, and are capable of moving without making noise at all. With practice controlling their breathing and wearing dark clothing, they could be unnoticeable in the dark.

Pren: Pren elves are natural trackers, capable of moving through forests with an ease no other species can match. Though not as skilled as Tume elves when it comes to stealth, Pren elves are almost impossible to find in the trees when they hide. They are the strongest of the subspecies, physically, but are slightly less powerful in magic to compensate.


The first elves were believed to have been born from the soft lullaby by the goddess, Malina, and tree known to the elves currently as the Sacred Great Tree of Malina. Malina with the spirit of the tree, created a song so beautifully breathtaking and powerful that the song resonated throughout the land. Creatures near and far came to hear the melody of the duo. The song was so beautiful that it brought tears to those who listened and to the goddess Malina’s eyes. As the tears rolled off her cheeks, new life grew from each of the three drops that landed. The first tear landed on a small flower basking in the sunlight. From this flower grew the first Visek elf. The second tear landed on the tree itself, bearing the first Pren elf. The last of the tears landed in a snake tunnel, disappearing from the world above. From this tear was the first Tume elf born.

No one knows where the Sacred Great Tree of Malina is. The common assumption is that it is not in Katakarthia. The earliest stories of elves tell of a long voyage across the sea, landing in Katakarthia’s southern coast to see the great Linosea Forest waiting for them. The elves spread throughout the forest, building cities in the trees before spreading to the mountains. Each of the different elves settled in the different terrains based on their species’ needs. Other elves built great cities along the Odslig lake and in the plains. Those who remained in the forests were the first Pren elves, who quickly adapted to their new home. Dedicating themselves to the ideal of Plythio, the Visek Elves endeavored to make their lands the model of nobility. Not all could meet this standard, and not all wished to. Those who would not or could not were cast out of the elven cities and formed their own communities. In the darkness of the mountains the twisted elves of Plythio’s other aspect, the Tume Elves.

No one knows for sure how each of the elves became who they were. It is said that a Pren or Visek elf could be corrupted to become a Tume elf if they embody the beliefs of the Tume elves full heartedly. The same could be said for a Tume elf becoming a Pren or Visek Elf. However, this has never been proven. The dismissed elves have found shelter is a few communities where other outcasts converge. Some are able to find shelter in the communities of elves meant solely of another’s race, but this is extremely rare.

There are whispers that the elves did not build their great cities, but that they were already there, waiting, when the first ships arrived.