Shop Item Guide

Are you interested in one of our shop items but don’t know what it does? Does our small blurb not give you enough info? Here you can read more in-depth information about the items we offer before you buy them!

Rare Items

Allagi Fragment

Price: 500 €

A fragment of raw crystallized magic, Allagi Fragments allow the wielder to shapeshift into a different form for a limited amount of time. These forms vary use by use, and never look the same twice. For instance, a human could use it one day and become a lion, while in the next use they become a bird. Once used, Allagi Fragments need to be recharged. The general rule of thumb is that an Allagi Fragment can be used once every three days.

Divine Truffles

Price: 400 €

Unlike the sinful chocolates, the divine truffles turn angels into more saint like beings. They will seem to have more honorable traits, but one will quickly find that honorable isn't always so good after eating this treat.

Belief - Angels embodying the virtue of belief believe that the gods’ will come through for them. They think that, no matter the situation, everything will work out in the end. They lead meditative, passive lifestyles.

Charity - These angels never stop giving, even if they cannot feed or clothe themselves. They will give away every last thing they have to make someone else's life easier because they believe it is the right thing to do.

Fortitude - Angels who embody the virtue of fortitude never give up. Even when their lives are on the line they hold fast and steady. Only death will put them to rest, putting an end to their persistence.

Hope - These angels can never see the bad in anyone, regardless of race. They hold fast to their belief that good resides in everyone, and this mindset often puts them in bad situations. Often this results in their death.

Justice - These angels seek justice for everything. They cannot stop until justice is delivered; no matter the crime, something must be paid. Some have been known to go a bit sadistic with their methods.

Prudence - They can be very stingy and give everything value, even gifts they’ve been. They will never pay more than they think anything is worth.

Temperance - These angels never take more than they need at any given moment. They’re not big on planning, and tend to live on a day by day basis.

The Fruit of Knowledge

Price: 700 €

The special fruit grants knowledge to whomever eats it, giving them sentience. Once the fruit is eaten, the creature becomes self aware and capable of higher thought and speech. While still able to communicate with their own kin, they begin to act in a different manner, and often seek out other species to communicate with, feeling out of place in their past herds.

Holy Fruit

Price: 1,500 €

This golden fruit glows with a beautiful holy light. When ingested by a Demon the light of the fruit purifies them, instantly transforming them into an Angel. How much their appearance changes varies, as well as which house they join. This change is permanent, and cannot be reversed. If you have used a Temptation Fruit on your character already, this item cannot be used to change them back into an angel.


Price: 2,500 €

Most commonly found in the form of enchanted objects or raw crystallized magic, these objects grant immortality to mortal species. From the moment a mortal species touches these enchanted objects they absorb the immortality magic, which stops their aging immediately. While immortality stops death from aging, it does not prevent the person afflicted from dying by other ways, such as through injuries, poisoning, etc.

Life's Tear

Price: 9,500 €

This crystallized teardrop is said to have come from Life herself. Use of this item restores life to the dead. When used on a recently deceased individual, their life is restored, and any fatal injuries or illnesses are cured, with the exception of curses. When used to revive an individual that has been dead for a long time, they rise from the place of their death, with no memories. They gradually regain their memories as they make their way back into the world. This item can only be used once per character.

Lunar Blossom

Price: 500 €

This beautiful flower lessens the effects of curses, like the vampire and werewolf curse. Commonly used as the main ingredient of a tonic, Lunar Blossoms make it much easier for those afflicted with a curse to manage their urges and bloodlust. In vampires, Lunar Blossoms make it easier for the vampire to go longer periods of time without needing blood, and in werewolves it allows them more control over their cursed forms when the moon rises. Lunar Blossoms are not capable of lifting the curses, however, as the gods’ magic is far too powerful.

Mermaid's Graice

Price: 1,200 €

This beautiful shell-shaped pendant glimmers like mother of pearl, and when worn it grants the wearer the ability to breathe underwater. This enchantment has its limitations, as it only lasts for five hours before the magic runs out and it must be recharged. To recharge, the pendant must be left completely dry for five hours before it can be used again.


Price: 500 €

Most commonly found in the form of enchanted objects or raw crystallized magic, these objects strip the immortality from an immortal species. From the moment an immortal species touches one of these enchanted objects they begin to age again. They age more rapidly than a human would.

Nixie Essence

Price: 500 €

This unassuming vial contains a clear-ish liquid that is, for all intents and purposes, Nixie spit. Often mixed in with drinks to disguise the fact that one is drinking saliva, Nixie Essence possesses a very unique quality, particularly for those who make their living diving. When consumed, Nixie Essence grants an aquatic form to the consumer, and this form is activated when wet. This form will last until the consumer is completely dry, and has been recorded to last up to several days. However, once the consumer is dry, they must once again purchase and consume Nixie Essence. This is a popular commodity along coastal regions, and has prevented several drownings.

Reverse Reality

Price: 300 €

This special potion allows for same sex couples to have biological children! In heterosexual couples, this potion allows the male to carry the child, instead of the female.

Shifter's Gene

Price: 700 €

This gene grants an individual the ability to transform into one other form that’s not natural to their species. For example, a lion possessing the shifter’s gene could transform into a human, or a unicorn in possession of the shifter’s gene could transform into a falcon. This second form always looks the same, and there’s no limit to how many times a person can shift.

Sinful Chocolates

Price: 400 €

This lovely little piece of chocolate is not all that it appears to be. It allows a demon to become overtaken by one of the seven deadly sins and cause their personality to change fitting their sin.

Envy - Envy demons are obsessed with what others think and have. These thoughts are so invasive that they can stop caring for themselves. Eventually the envy can become so great that they kill and steal to get what they want, even if it’s only knowing that they killed someone prettier than themselves.

Gluttony - These demons become gluttons, with an appetite that can never be sated. Their hunger consumes their thoughts, and they cannot stop eating. Their hunger drives them to eat strange things, with no boundaries on what or who they eat.

Greed - What they have is never enough. Demons embodying Greed always want more. Their hordes rival those of dragons, and they are just as aggressive, if not more so.

Lust - Demons who embody Lust crave sex. It becomes a source of energy for them; a nearly uncontrollable urge they must fill. They often lose control during the act, and many kill their partners.

Pride - Pride demons are easily influenced by their sin. They have a strong need to always be right, and tend to look down on others. Because of this, they’re often isolated by society.

Sloth - Lazy, unmotivated, and manipulative, Sloth demons refuse to do anything they can get someone else to do for them. They’d much rather spend their time asleep than actually being productive. Many often lose their consciousness as they drift into sleep, interacting with the world through dreams.

Wrath - The demons who end up embodying Wrath become irrational in their anger. They have a short fuse, and many things set them off. They’re prone to fits of rage, and often leave bloody trails in their wake.

Solar Blossom

Price: 700 €

This beautiful flower is the counterpart to the Lunar Blossom. Where the Lunar Blossom heals, Solar Blossoms madden and make the curse nearly unbearable. When mixed into a tonic and ingested, Solar Blossoms trigger immense thirst in vampires, and werebeasts find themselves going mad every night.

Temptation Fruit

Price: 1,500 €

This deep red fruit radiates with a sinful aura. When ingested by an Angel they absorb the aura of the fruit, instantly turning them into a Demon. How much their appearance changes varies, as well as which house they join. This change is permanent, and cannot be reversed. If you have used a Holy Fruit on your character already, this item cannot be used to change them back into a demon.

Wayfarer's Wish

Price: 2,500 €

This earthy colored potion allows a mermaid to transform their tail into legs when they’re completely dry. In order for them to keep their legs, the mermaid must remain completely dry, with the exception of drinking water. Bathing, swimming, or even getting caught in the rain will trigger their legs to reform into a tail. This potion is hard to create, making it difficult to find and expensive. However, the effects of Wayfarer’s Wish are permanent, allowing the mermaid to go between land and water at will.

Rare Species


Price: 10,000 €

The ability to create the rare creature, a Golem!


Price: 4,000 €

Allows you to create the creature, the kraken!


Price: 7,000 €

Allows you the create the mighty sea monster, the leviathan!


Price: 10,000 €

The ability to create one of the eldest historian-like species, the mantide!


Price: 5,000 €

The ability to create the rare creature, a Peryton!


Price: 3,000 €

The ability to create the rare creature, a phoenix!

Reaper's Curse

Price: 5,000 €

The item gives the user the ability to create a legendary reaper. These reapers are found roaming the land of the Death kingdom as their guardians. They respond mostly to the royal family, but some do show more intelligence than others.

Soul Serpent

Price: 7,000 €

The ability to create the rare creature, a Soul Serpent!

Spirit elementals

Price: 3,000 €

A rare elemental that is rumored to have disappeared from this world.