
From one person to another, legends are what have shaped the creatures of Antarsia's perception about reality. Passed down through the generation from one parent to their child, and so forth are the stories of how the world works and why Antarsia is the way it is. Here you will find a few of the tales that have been floating around. Whether they are true or not varies from one individual to another.

In the Beginning

In the first moment of time a sound was uttered. This sound, unknown to any, was the spark that was needed for the world to come to be. Upon seeing this, the two gods were content. They had made a blank slate; a world they could shape and mold to their liking. The seas were wide and vast, and the land void of life. Read More.

The City of Mirages

Oslark city is believed by many not to exist. With its location in the Shifting Sands, many people believe it to be just a mirage; no matter how close one one gets to the city, it never seems to get any closer. Others get turned around completely, spit out of the Shifting Sands where they began by the region’s strong winds. Some mages believe strong magic is at work here, but none have been able to make it through to the city. Read More.

The Cult of Jackroth

There’s a rumor going around about a mysterious cult that dwells in the Eye of Jackroth. They say its members travel to nearby towns, where they kidnap unwary people to sacrifice to the volcanoes, which they believe to be the ultimate representation of their god. However, no one has ever seen these cultists, and many believe the region to be uninhabitable. Read More.

The Dragon of the Deep

Beneath the surface of Vrocheros Lake there’s rumored to be a beautiful eastern dragon. It can occasionally be seen under the ice of the shallows, but these sightings are few and far between as the dragon usually prefers the deeper portions of the lake. No one knows the intentions of this dragon, or why it’s there, but some say it grants wishes. Others say it watches over the souls of the dead. Read More.

The Dragon’s Hoard

Rumor has it that somewhere on the mountains of Sleibte is an abandoned dragon’s hoard. No one is quite sure where this hoard is hidden, or even which range it’s in, but there’s an old tavern song that some believe will reveal the location of the hoard. Read More.

The Lord of the Mountain

Long ago the citizens of the Nkazon Desert fell prey to a being they named the Lord of the Mountain. He took the form of a massive dragon, descending from the Eye of Jackroth to raid and pillage for gold and other valuables. The citizens of Nuru began to offer tithes to this mighty dragon, in hopes of protecting their mountain home from his mighty wrath. Read More.

The Lost Wreck of Saint Arturos

Long ago, before teleportation stones, men dared to travel the sea by ship, fearlessly entering the domain of the sea dragons. This endeavor was dangerous--sea dragons did not take kindly to ships on their waters, and many ships were attacked, their crew dragged down into the dark depths of the water. Read More.

Remnants of the Gods

When the world of Antarsia was created, there was only Jaelanai and Akros, who warred after their discrepancies. During their long battle, each god was said to have split into 8 pieces. However, there is a legend that there were two more pieces. If the gods represent their consciousness, then perhaps, these items are their bodies strewn across their ancient battlefield. Read More.

Legend of the Reaper

Gather ‘round children, and I’ll tell you a tale
A tale of nightmares and demons.
A tale of men and monsters
Read More.